The ELTO VM1 is a compact transmitter capable of transmitting on a system of multimode fiber, a video signal, at a distance greater than 3,5 Kilometri. The system is built in a container by the measures extremely contained in a de be connected directly to the device, or to the camera, thus avoiding the interposition of a cable for connecting the video signal.
The versatility of this transmitter make it an object that is used not only in the distribution of video signals from CCTV cameras in the field of, but also in the industrial sector where there was the need to transfer video signals of electronic equipment, remote.

Key features

  • Transmission system to amplitude modulation.
  • Compact design for direct mounting to the camera.
  • Transmission capacity for flights of fiber 3.5 km.
  • Compatibility PAL, SECAM, NTSC.
  • 12V power c.c.
  • No calibration during installation.
  • Led signaling transmitter operating.
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